Salivary Gland Tumor Biorepository


Interested in requesting specimens?

The process to request specimens from the SGTB is outlined below. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information.


Approximate Timeline for Specimen Request Process


Approximate Time

Letter of Intent Submitted to SGTB

Initial Review of LOI by TUC (Feasibility Determination)

10 business days after receipt by the SGTB

Full Application due

ESR Review of Full Application and TUC Decision

Within 60 days after receipt of application

Steering Committee Decision

2-4 weeks after TUC Decision

Notification of Decision

Within 90 days upon receipt of Full Application

Letter of Intent

The investigator first submits a Letter of Intent (LOI) form via email to the SGTB Coordinator at Submitting a LOI first prevents investigators from preparing a complete application if the proposed research could not proceed forward due to either the lack of sound hypothesis, specimens or data availability. The contents required in the LOI are given below.

Click here for a copy of the LOI.

The LOI form includes the following sections:

• Applicant information

• Name(s) of investigator(s)/collaborator(s)

• Location(s) and Institution(s) where research will take place

• Specific aim(s) and/or primary hypothesis to be tested

• Type(s) and number of biological specimens required

• Requirements for clinical data (optional)

Initial Review

1. The LOI will be reviewed to assess feasibility by Tissue Utilization Committee (TUC), which consists of Dr. Diana Bell (SGTB representative), Dr. Lilian Shum (NIDCR representative) and an ad hoc reviewer from a current satellite center. Within 10 business days, investigators will be notified of the outcome of the initial feasibility review. LOIs that are not approved will receive a letter specifying the reason(s) for the decision and any options for recourse.

2. Criteria in determining feasibility

To maximize the utilization of biospecimens for current and future investigators’ demands, the following factors will be considered in granting requests:

      a. Amount of tissue per sample (>25mg)

      b. Number of specimens per tumor category (<15 unless deemed justified by the scientific reviewers)

      c. Amount of normal samples (>3mg)

      d. Lymphocytes (on case-by-case basis)

      e. Serum (>100µl)


Note: Maximum number of applications per site

The SGTB will only review a maximum number of two (2) applications per year per site.

Full Application

Once feasibility is established, investigators can submit a full application (not more than 10 pages total) to the SGTB. The full application must include the following sections:

• Project Title

• Name(s) of investigator(s) including all contact information

• Location(s) and institution(s) where research will take place

• Funding Status: Funded or Not Funded.

    Also include funding sources, including type of funding application and schedule for grant submission and/or earliest possible funding and source of funds.

Research proposal. This section must be no longer than 5 pages, including tables and figures. Appendices may include only key publications and relevant material(s). The following should be addressed in this section:

Specific Aims

Background and Significance

Study Design and Procedures, including data on characteristics of laboratory assays

Analysis Plan

Statistical Power

Detailed description of and justification for requested biologic samples, including specimen types and amounts needed

Description of additional clinical information needed

• Proposed timeline for study

The completed application should be sent via email to the SGTB Coordinator at

Full Application Review Process (see also Flowchart)

1. Applications will be forwarded to the External Scientific Review (ESR) group and TUC members for review (see Review, Priority and Decision Procedures) on the last business day of the month.

2. Comments by the ESR members will be collated, and based on the final review by each member, the following steps will be taken:

a. All members in agreement (approved or disapproved only): comments will be forwarded to the Steering Committee (SC) for approval.

b. All members in agreement (approved with modifications only): reviewers comments will be sent to the applicant and the TUC.

   i. Applicant revisions are due to the SGTB administrator within 5 business days.

   ii. SGTB administrator will forward to the TUC for voting.

   iii. SGTB administrator forwards the TUC decision to the SC for final approval.

c. Disagreement: comments will be forwarded to the remaining TUC members for voting.

3. Final decision by SC at the next scheduled SC meeting.

4. Notification of Decision will be sent to applicant within 90 days of receipt by the SGTB.

In the case an application is not approved, investigators will receive a letter specifying the reason(s) for the decision along with unedited comments of the reviewers.

Once the application is approved, the requested biological specimens will be sent to the investigator after submitting the required Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) (see Material Transfer Agreements below).

The specimens must be used only for the RESEARCH PROJECT approved and in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local statutes and regulations, which include the Common Rule (45 CFR Part 46, Subpart A) and HIPAA. The applicant is responsible for obtaining any necessary human subjects research approvals or exemptions required to use the biological specimens. In addition, the applicant is not permitted to further distribute the biological specimens to others who are not under his/her direct supervision without written permission from MDACC. He/she shall refer any request for the biological specimens to MDACC.


The primary objective of the SGTB is to facilitate the conduct of high-quality basic and translational research in an efficient, coordinated, and equitable manner. Priorities will be given to research proposals that increase the knowledge base in the basic science area as well as those with high translational impact. These include, but are not limited to, the development of cell lines, xenografts, reagents and resources that help understand the molecular pathogenesis of salivary gland tumors. Applicants are encouraged to propose a plan for potential interactions and/or collaborations with other scientists in salivary gland tumor research.

Full Application Review

Applications will be reviewed by the ESR and TUC members. The ESR group is comprised of at least 3 independent scientists with expertise in biologically and epidemiologically-based cancer studies. Additional scientists may be invited to participate if specialized areas of expertise are needed. Each application will be scored based on the Core Review Criteria and Additional Review Criteria (below).

Core Review Criteria

Additional Review Criteria


Priority access to tissues/biospecimens/cell lines will be given to scientifically meritorious applications from the following:


The recommendations from the ESR group, in an unedited format, will be sent to the TUC which will make recommendations to the SC. The SC will make the final decision for tissue disbursement. The following decisions are possible:

Within 90 days of submitting the full application, the applicant will be informed of the final decision.


A form with the required information to submit the MTA can be found on the “Researchers” page of the SGTB website. The MTA will include a statement about data sharing.

Copyright © The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center