Stopping boundaries for simple Time-to-event monitoring
Thall, Wooten, and Tannir explore safety monitoring for single-arm phase II
trials with time-to-event outcomes in [1]. TTEConduct is a Windows
application which generates the stopping boundary table for such trials as described in [2].
TTEConduct was developed and released before
TTEDesigner. Now that TTEDesigner has been released, there is less reason to
use TTEConduct since the former produces the same output table as the latter.
However, TTEDesigner solves for the cutoff trial parameter based on desired
operating characteristics. If you want to create a table of stopping boundaries
for a cutoff value that you specify directly, you will need to use TTEConduct.

See the TTEConduct
user's guide for more details.
Clift Norris and Mike Swaim developed the user interface for TTEConduct using
C#. John Cook developed the statistical calculations using Visual C++.
Peter F. Thall,
Leiko H. Wooten, and
Nizar M. Tannir.
Monitoring Event Times in Early Phase Clinical Trials: Some Practical Issues,
Clinical Trials 2, 467-478 (2005).
- John D. Cook.
Continuous safety monitoring in single-arm time-to-event trials without software.
MDACC technical report UTMDABTR-006-05.